Review about Ex Machina and the Connection with Human and Computer Interaction

A young programmer is selected to participate in a ground-breaking experiment in synthetic intelligence by evaluating the human qualities of a breath-taking humanoid A.I.

My Review
In my opinion, Ex Machina is a film that potrays our daily life in early 2000s. The movie showed us the use of digital technologies that supposed to help us in daily basis. But, instead of us controlling the digital technologies to help with our needs in daily basis, we are being enslaved by it instead. Such thing happen not because it is a bad technology or a bad creation. But because we are too attach with it which cause it to manipulate us.

Apart from the story of the movie, i want to talk about how they manage to keep me interest from the very beginning of the movie. At the beginning there is some scene that show us that the camera on the monitor is capturing the structure face of the protagonist. For us who watch it, it looks like we got the first 'identification' of the protagonist, it may be simple, but the concept of capturing it is quite interesting. There are so many possibility with the program (if it exist) can do, like we can simply capturing some people face to render it to a movie that we want to make or a game. It would make some movie producer more easy to create the movie.

But still, the most interesting 'UX' concept application in the movie is Ava which is the name of the humanoid AI. With such AI we can interact just like we interact with other people. Which means if we can implicate it to the real life, we have to make an AI that can think just like human can think to make a program more interesting and more 'impactful', or at least make it like it looked like it. I have some creation that may not an AI so the creator make the creation to looks like it has own mind. Like a game called 'Metal Gear Solid'. In the game there is a save feature, and that feature we commonly use because we need to save the progress because if not, when we die in the game it will went to the start of the game. So there is a character in the game that basically stated that he know we use the feature to play through the game. If we think about it the concept is quite simple, just use an algorithm that if we (the player) use the feature, then dialogue of the character will come out.

So, basically what makes a creation or a program or an application interesting is its UI or UX it have, if can we should make it like it has its own mind.


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